How to Write an Essay Really Fast
Publication Date: 21 April 2022
Creative writing and deadlines don’t sound like a perfect combination – either you take your time, relax, find inspiration and write a perfect composition, or you hurry up like crazy and sacrifice the quality. In real life, though, students often face very tight deadlines when writing, sometimes not having enough time to do other important things.
How to survive the school stress and complete the writing tasks, such as essays, at the same time? Below, we will share with you what experienced writers recommend to all those looking to learn to write essays fast and easy and with good quality.

Advice #1. Don’t waste a single minute
Regardless of how much time you have for your essay task, the sooner you start writing or planning writing, the better. When you procrastinated, you run the risk of feeling nervous and hampering the quality of your writing. Alternatively, if you start early, you will end up having more confidence and time to finish, edit and polish your work. For example, if your professor gave you 3 days to write an essay, you’d better start planning your writing on day one.
Advice #2. Planning is the key
The most essential thing for knowing how to write an essay quick, is planning skills. In essay writing, we normally talk about an outline, which is a brief sketch of one’s essay text, consisting of 3-5 chapters: introduction, main body (usually one to three paragraphs), and conclusion. Experienced writers recommend spending at least 20% of one’s time on planning. The exercise is worth it and will help you to write fast and easy. In the end, you may want to spend some time checking whether all of your outline points have been included in the actual text.
Advice #3. Don’t be ashamed to ask a professional
When you just learn basic essay writing skills, it is not a bad idea to seek help from someone who can give your learning process a huge boost. Lots of companies on the market can teach you how to write an essay fast, though you should prioritize the ones with a good reputation and price-performance balance. No less important is to find a partner who can provide you with a writing coaching session, and not just a bespoke paper on demand.
Advice #4. Understanding the task is paramount
Often, students are too impatient to start writing, so they misinterpret and misunderstand the task. By the time they realize their mistake, it might be too late to change anything. To avoid this trap, don’t be lazy to read your essay task several times. Sometimes, essay topics, research questions, and prompts are made up of several sentences, and by reading only the first and the last one you will miss the key point. If you want to learn how to write an essay quick – never spare your time understanding the task.

Advice #5. Get rid of all distracting factors
Often, when you procrastinated, you are most likely unable to get rid of distracting factors before starting writing. Professional writers say that your surroundings, the immediate environment where you write, define your success. Try to find a cozy place, and a comfortable posture, take away all electronic gadgets and minimize surrounding noises. You will suddenly find that writing in a comfortable setting becomes fast and easy, and that you can achieve much more in a given timeframe.
Advice #6. Aim to finish the biggest part in the first go
Breaks are important, but when you take a break knowing that the majority of your writing is done, it becomes a huge motivating factor. Everyone who wants to learn how to write an essay fast must try following this last piece of advice. Likewise, if you try to complete the most difficult part in your first run before you make the first break, it will save you more energy and motivation to come up with the rest of the text and polish it with ease.
We know that following all recommendations at the same time might be confusing and too difficult at first. Hence, strive to select a few most applicable and easier points for you and take it from there. You will notice how your writing skills get better with each new essay task. Hope the current material has taught you something new and important on how to write an essay quick, and that you will readily share it with your fellow students.