Another online writing service is ready to cope with your assignments. Whether you find it useful or not, we suggest reading this Rush Essay review, before you decide to try it out.
In today’s market of online writing services, it is hard to stand out with such high competition. Yet, Rush essay tries to do it by offering its customers professional assistance with their papers, tight deadlines, and satisfaction guaranteed. It suggests a wide range of online writing services including reports, critical essays, vaious reviews, etc. It has more than 24 thousand papers delivered, 1845 orders in process and 97% overall satisfaction rate (or just claims to).
We managed to sum up our objective evaluation of the quality of papers provided by this service. We ordered a three-page book review on Ch. Dickens’ ‘Oliver Twist’ for that purpose. We were pretty satisfied with its quality, although it contained several grammatical errors. After our expert had proofread the paper he came to conclusion that it was partly plagiarized. It was proven by deep check that shown 40% of plagiarism. If it were a real student with some real assignment the aftermath could vary from getting a low grade to some serious problems like suspension or even elimination.
Prices & Discounts
The prices suggested by this service are quite affordable, as it fits an average level of the prices on the market. The minimum cost of the paper starts with $9.97/page of an essay for an Undergraduate level, made in 14 days. Another prices of a paper for the same level are:
- $16/page, if it is completed in 6 days;
- $18/page, if it is completed in 2 days;
- $23/page, if it is completed in one day;
- $26/page, if it is completed in 12 hours;
- $41/page, if it is completed in 3 days.
There is also a promo code for a 10% discount off the first order made on the website.
The most common advantages guaranteed by the service are:
- A base of authors with professional education;
- Low prices;
- High quality of papers and individual approach;
- 24/7 online customer support system;
- Short delivery time;
- Money-back.
Some students tend to wonder whether the service is legit or not. It claims that all the international and local laws and regulations are carefully abided, so you don’t need to have doubts about it.
There is also a Privacy Policy strictly followed by all the members of the service’s team in order not to let some of your personal data be shared.
Reviews and online reputation
The service managed to gain a reputation which is not impeccable at all. An overall rating of the service on the other sources is 2,7/5 stars, which seems to be one of the lowest ever. The majority of the posted rush essay reviews are extremely negative. Clients point out that the service possess significant drawbacks, such as plagiarism, poor quality, and no refund was given, even in the cases people got an ‘F’ grade. At the same time, 30% percent of customers reviewing the service tend to show the opposite point of view, saying that it offers an excellent quality and delivers the orders on time.
Another point worth mentioning is that lots of customers consider the service to be inefficient, when it comes to delivery time. They say their orders were completed after the deadline expires. And that’s not just half an hour or couple of hours. The papers were more than one day late. Although our order was delivered on time, we can’t pass over so many negative reviews mentioning  disregard of the deadlines.
Although a 24/7 support is guaranteed, it is impossible to contact it in any other way except the telephone. That is quite weird, given in today’s world similar services offer their customers an opportunity to communicate with the support team via live chat or, at least, email. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to reach the support team, so we have nothing to say about it. However, some customers who had the experience of communication with them, say they are nice and polite until a person places the order. After that clients faced rudeness and negligence.
The website seems to be the weak side of the service. It is designed in bright colours which makes it irritating for the eyes. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where to search for information needed because it is organized in quite a messy manner. The font used is too small. But the worst thing about the website is that it takes too much time to upload some pages. Yet there is an advantage of the fast and easy form of online calculation of an order price.
- low prices;
- money-back;
- discount coupons.
- plagiarized papers;
- negative reputation;
- disregard to deadlines;
- messy website;
- inefficient, sometimes impolite support team.
Although many features of this service are quite questionable, it is clear that the website’ title speaks for itself —  rush essays with no respect for the quality of papers. Sometimes the essays are not even rush, as the orders are delivered after the deadlines. So, if you want to get a cheap essay of low quality and high risks of plagiarism, this service is a perfect place for you. We do not recommend using it, though.
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